
Finding the perfect family home is about more than just the house itself - it's about the community, the local amenities, and the long-term liveability of the area for you and your family. When searching for a new build to call your forever home, there are a few things you should be actively looking out for to make sure it fits the bill. So, in this post, we’ll learn what to look for in your forever family new build.

Location and Accessibility

The old saying "location, location, location" holds particularly true when choosing your family's forever home. Start by assessing the accessibility of essential services to make sure they’re nearby. You might want to look at things like where the nearest post office or hospital is to make sure you don’t have far to travel. You should also check the distance to your workplace and consider the daily commute - both in terms of time and transportation options. This can significantly affect your quality of life, influencing daily stress levels and how much quality time you get to spend at home.


For families with children, local schools are a top priority. You’ll need to research the quality of schools in the vicinity as well as their ethos and the extracurricular opportunities they offer. Many school websites provide performance statistics, and visiting schools personally can give insights into the educational environment and overall approach to learning. Moreover, proximity to good schools can positively influence property values, making this a wise consideration for long-term property investment.

Neighbourhood Amenities

The availability of local amenities is another important factor when choosing where to live. Look for a neighbourhood that offers convenient shopping options for everyday necessities. Is there a supermarket near to you, or will you have to drive miles for milk? Also, consider leisure and entertainment options like restaurants, cinemas, and parks. Libraries, gyms, and community centres also add value to community life, offering social and recreational opportunities for your family.

Finding Your Community

A strong sense of community can be the difference between a house and a home. A neighbourhood that fosters a strong community spirit through regular social events, clubs, or town meetings can provide a sense of belonging and security. Also, if you have children, having a community that’s child-friendly can really make life much more rewarding for you and your little ones.

Personalising Your Dream Family Home

A new build property is a blank canvas that you can personalise to your taste to create your own family feel – turning a house into a home. With a new Beech Grove home, you won’t have to worry about quality as it is at the heart of what we do. All homes will comply with the latest building codes and energy efficiency standards, offering long-term savings and comfort for your family. This is why many people looking for a forever family home, opt for a new build property.

Find Your Forever Family Home With These Tips

Choosing your forever home involves a blend of practical, emotional, and financial factors. By carefully considering each of these elements - from the quality of local schools and community spirit to the quality and efficiency of the property - you can find a place where your family will thrive for years to come.

If you’d like some help finding your forever home, then please get in touch with our team at Beech Grove Homes today.