
When it comes to laying out the interior of your new build home, you’ll likely be seeking more than just physical comfort. The best homes create an environment that promotes well-being and harmony, making it a more inviting place to live. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging living spaces, can be an invaluable tool in achieving such a setting. Incorporating Feng Shui principles into your new home's design can make the space feel more inviting by making things feel more in balance. So, in this article, we’ll discuss how you can use this ancient practice to get more out of your new build home.

Understanding the Basics of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is based on the idea that our surroundings affect our lives in significant ways. It emphasises the balance of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water) and the flow of life force throughout the home. A well-designed Feng Shui new build home aims to harmonise these elements and optimise the flow of energy.

The Importance of the Bagua Map

One of the first steps in Feng Shui practice is to apply the Bagua map - a tool that helps identify different areas of your home corresponding to specific aspects of your life. This includes key areas such as health, wealth, and relationships. When laying out your new build home, use the Bagua map to determine what to place in key rooms. For example, the wealth area might be an ideal spot for your home office, while the relationship corner could be perfect for the master bedroom. You can use this to help choose the right furniture for your home, too.

Maximising Natural Elements

Natural light and fresh air are essential in Feng Shui as they carry energy into your home. Making full use of your windows will enhance the home’s energy flow, making spaces feel more open and welcoming. Consider the position of furniture in relation to your windows and doors to maximise sunlight and breeze, which can also help reduce energy costs.

Incorporating Nature

Incorporating natural elements into your home design can also promote a balanced energy flow. Materials such as wood and stone maintain a connection to nature, which is believed to enhance well-being. Indoor plants not only improve air quality but also add to the aesthetic and energetic appeal of your home.

Balancing The Five Elements

Achieving a balance of the five elements in a new build home can be done through colours, shapes, and materials. For instance, incorporate metal elements (like copper fixtures) to complement wooden features, use colours like blue and black to represent water, and add earthy tones for grounding. Each element can interact with others to either enhance or diminish their effects, so it’s important to find a harmonious balance that suits your aesthetic and Feng Shui goals.

Invite Harmony into Your New Build Using Feng Shui

Feng Shui isn’t just about adhering to strict rules; it’s about creating a space that feels good to be in and supports your lifestyle. When laying out a new build home, consider the principles of Feng Shui from the planning stage to bring balance, enhance well-being, and invite prosperity. With thoughtful design choices, your new home can become a true haven of harmony and peace.

If you’re on the market to find your forever home to settle down in, then take a look at our developments at Beech Grove Homes. Or, if you have any questions about our new build properties, please get in touch with us today.