
Autumn can be a magical time in the garden, with its vibrant colours and crisp air. For new build gardens, this season also brings an opportunity to lay the foundation for the coming seasons. With a little bit of planning, you can set your new build garden up in a way that looks beautiful for autumn and is prepared for Spring. So, in this post, we’ll discuss tips for preparing your new build garden for autumn.

Know Your Garden Space

First things first, make sure you understand your garden space and any specific requirements. New builds sometimes have landscaping done by developers, which can be adapted to suit your needs, or they may be left as a blank canvas for you to get creative with. Look at the soil type, existing plants, and overall garden layout. Identify areas that need improvement or plants that require special care during colder months.

Soil Preparation

Your soil will likely need a top-up to provide it with additional nutrients and drainage to support new plant growth and resilience during colder months. Autumn is the perfect time to improve your garden’s soil, as activity is slightly lower than in Spring and Summer. Start by removing any weeds and debris. Then, add organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure. This will enhance the soil structure, provide essential nutrients, and improve drainage, all of which are vital for new gardens struggling to establish.

Choosing the Right Plants

Selecting the right plants is important for ensuring a thriving garden. In autumn, consider planting evergreens that will provide colour and structure throughout the winter months. Autumn is also a great time to plant spring bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. These should be planted a few weeks before the ground freezes, so they have time to establish roots. It’s also worth looking out for native plants which are more likely to thrive in your local climate and soil conditions, like ox-eye daisies or thyme.

Lawn Care

If your new build home has a lawn, autumn care is essential for promoting healthy growth next year. Start by raking up any fallen leaves and aerating the soil to prevent compaction. Aeration allows more oxygen, nutrients, and water to penetrate the roots of your grass. After aerating, it's beneficial to overseed the lawn and apply a quick-release autumn lawn fertiliser. This will encourage strong root growth and prepare the grass for winter dormancy.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance throughout autumn will help strengthen your garden. This includes pruning dead or diseased branches from trees and shrubs. Pruning helps to prevent the spread of disease while also promoting healthy growth in the spring. You might also want to continue to water your plants if the weather is dry, as plants still need adequate moisture to prepare for winter.

Enjoy Your New Build Garden Through the Seasons With These Tips

Starting a garden in a new build can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Autumn preparations set the stage for both the immediate beauty of your winter garden and the long-term success of your green space. With these steps, your new build garden will be well on its way to maturity and splendour through the seasons.

Are you looking for a forever home that gives you the freedom to create a beautiful garden? Then our team at Beech Grove Homes would love to help. Please take a look at our developments today to find your forever home, or get in touch if you have any questions.